Blue Tit
Scientific name
: Parus caeruleus
Other names:
Български: Син синигер
Brezhoneg: Kalvennig c'hlas
Català: Mallerenga blava
Česky: Sýkora modřinka
Dansk: Blåmejse
Deutsch: Blaumeise
Esperanto: Blua paruo
Español: Herrerillo común
Eesti: Sinitihane
Basque: Amilotx urdin
Suomi: Sinitiainen
Français: Mésange bleue
Magyar: Kék cinege
Italiano: Cinciarella
日本語: アオガラ
Lietuviškai: Mėlynoji zylė
Latviešu: Zilzīlīte
Nederlands: Pimpelmees
Norsk (nynorsk): Blåmeis
Norsk: Blåmeis
Polski: Modraszka
Português: Chapim-azul
Русский: Обыкновенная лазоревка
Svenska: Blåmes
Türkçe: Mavi baştankara
Українська: Синиця блакитна
Short Description
The pale blue plumage on the head and on the upper side does not appear in any other song bird in Central Europe.Its dark horn-brown beak is similar to related short and tall species. Its iris is brown, its feet ...
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