Eurasian Blackbird
Scientific name
: Turdus merula
Other names:
Български: Кос
Brezhoneg: Moualc'h
Català: Merla
Česky: Kos černý
Dansk: Solsort
Deutsch: Amsel
Esperanto: Merlo
Español: Mirlo común
Eesti: Musträstas
Basque: Zozo
Suomi: Mustarastas
Français: Merle noir
Magyar: Fekete rigó
Italiano: Merlo
日本語: クロウタドリ
Lietuviškai: Juodasis strazdas
Latviešu: Melnais meža strazds
Nederlands: Merel
Norsk (nynorsk): Svarttrast
Norsk: Svarttrost
Polski: Kos
Português: Melro-preto
Русский: Чёрный дрозд
Svenska: Koltrast
Türkçe: Karatavuk
Українська: Чорний дрізд
Short Description
The plumage of male birds is black. The beak varies from yellow to orange. Males also show a clear ring around the eyes, which is similar to the color of the beak. This eye-ring is less noticeable in females. Plumage ...
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