Great Spotted Woodpecker
Scientific name
: Dendrocopos major
Other names:
Български: Голям пъстър кълвач
Brezhoneg: Speg brizh bras
Català: Picot garser gros
Česky: Strakapoud velký
Dansk: Stor Flagspætte
Deutsch: Buntspecht
Esperanto: Granda buntpego
Español: Pico picapinos
Eesti: Suur-kirjurähn
Basque: Okil handi
Suomi: Käpytikka
Français: Pic épeiche
Magyar: Nagy fakopáncs
Italiano: Picchio rosso maggiore
日本語: アカゲラ
Lietuviškai: Didysis margasis genys
Latviešu: Dižraibais dzenis
Nederlands: Grote bonte specht
Norsk (nynorsk): Flaggspett
Norsk: Flaggspett
Polski: Dzięcioł duży
Português: Pica-pau-malhado-grande
Русский: Большой пёстрый дятел
Svenska: Större hackspett
Türkçe: Göknar ağaçkakanı
Українська: Великий строкатий дятел
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Short Description
The upper side of the plumage is black with two big white spots on the wing and the underside is yellowly-grey. The undertail coverts are a vivid red color. Only the male birds have a red spot on the neck, ...