Red-belted Polypore

Scientific name : Fomitopsis pinicola
Other names: Deutsch: Fichten-Porling , Español: Yesquero del pino , Suomi: Kantokääpä , Français: Amadouvier des pins , Latviešu: parastā apmalpiepe , Nederlands: Roodgerande houtzwam , Polski: Pniarek obrzeżony , Русский: Трутовик окаймлённый , Slovensky: Práchnovček pásikavý

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Short Description

Fruit Body 10-30cm wide; flat or thick console shaped; upper side uniform red-brown, later in the inner part offset gray-blackish, growth margin whiteish; surface shiny, with waxy crust, that can be indented with a finger nail with, young often covered ...
Author: Dr. Ewald Gerhardt


Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore
Red-belted Polypore


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