Red-gilled Cort

Scientific name : Cortinarius semisanguineus
Other names: Deutsch: Blutblättriger Hautkopf , Español: Cortinario de láminas rojas , Suomi: Verihelttaseitikki , Français: Cortinaire demi-sanguin , Lietuviškai: Raudonlakštis nuosėdis , Latviešu: sarkanlapiņu tīmeklene , Nederlands: Pagemantel , Polski: Zasłonak purpurowoblaszkowy , Русский: Паутинник краснопластинковый , Slovensky: Pavučinovec krvavolupeňový

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Short Description

Cap 2-5cm wide; cinnamon or olive yellow colored; thin fleshed, matt, scabby-tometulose skin, dry. Gills A striking cinnabar to blood red color; attached. Stipe Yellowish, in parts even chrome yellow, base sometimes with reddish fibers. Flesh Yellowish; radish-like smell. Spore ...
Author: Dr. Ewald Gerhardt


Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort
Red-gilled Cort


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