Walnut (Common)

Scientific name : Juglans regia
Other names: Български: Обикновен орех , Català: Noguera , Česky: Ořešák královský , Dansk: Almindelig Valnød , Deutsch: Walnuss (Echte) , Español: Nogal común , Suomi: Saksanpähkinä , Français: Noyer commun , Magyar: dió , Italiano: Noce da frutto, Noce bianco , 한국어: 호두나무 , Nederlands: Walnoot (boom) , Polski: Orzech włoski , Português: Nogueira-comum , Русский: Орех грецкий , Slovensky: Orech kráľovský , Slovenščina: Navadni oreh , Svenska: Valnöt

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Short Description

The large leaves of the walnut tree are very fragrant when rubbed even slightly. The leaves contain turpentine and tannins, and can be used as an infusion for external use against acne, eczema, and other skin inflammations (1-2 teaspoons of ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Walnut (Common)
Walnut (Common)
Walnut (Common)
Walnut (Common)
Walnut (Common)
Walnut (Common)
Walnut (Common)
Walnut (Common)


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