Anemone Cup

Scientific name : Sclerotinia tuberosa
Other names: Deutsch: Anemonenbecherling , Français: Sclérotinie tubéreuse , Latviešu: bumbuļu sklerocīnija , Nederlands: Anemonenbekerzwam , Slovensky: Hľuznatka veternicová

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Short Description

Fruit Body 0,5-2cm wide; challis to bowl shaped, long stipe, arises from a black little tuber (sclerotium); red brown; Stipe approx. 2-5cm long, hairy, mostly underneath; sclerotium approx. 1cm wide. Flesh Brownish, in sclerotium whiteish; tough-elastic; smell and taste neutral. ...
Author: Dr. Ewald Gerhardt


Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup
Anemone Cup


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