Tinder Polypore

Scientific name : Fomes fomentarius
Other names: Deutsch: Zunderschwamm , Español: Yesquero , Suomi: Taulakääpä , Français: Amadouvier , Latviešu: īstā posapiepe , Nederlands: Echte tonderzwam , Polski: Hubiak pospolity , Русский: Трутовик настоящий , Slovensky: Práchnovec kopytovitý

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Short Description

Fruit Body 10-40cm wide; thick console or hoof shaped; upper side light grey or gray-brownish, through algae often greenish, with whiteish growth margin; surface with concentrically waved or tiered, covered with thin, hard crust. Pores When cut longitudinally rust-brown; from ...
Author: Dr. Ewald Gerhardt


Tinder Polypore
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Tinder Polypore
Tinder Polypore


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