
Scientific name : Mentha × piperita
Other names: Česky: Máta peprná , Dansk: Peber-Mynte , Deutsch: Pfeffer-Minze , Español: Menta piperita , Suomi: Piparminttu , Français: Menthe poivrée , Italiano: Menta piperita , Latviešu: Piparmētra , Nederlands: Pepermunt (plant) , Polski: Mięta pieprzowa , Português: Hortelã-pimenta , Русский: Мята перечная , Svenska: Pepparmynta , Türkçe: Bahçe nanesi

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Short Description

Peppermint is known solely from cultivation as the cross between two native species – spearmint (Mentha spicata) and water mint (Mentha aquatica). The intensely fragrant essential oil found in peppermint contains mostly menthol and menthone. The leaves of peppermint are ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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