Thyme (Common)

Scientific name : Thymus vulgaris
Other names: Català: Farigola, Tomell , Česky: Tymián obecný , Dansk: Have-Timian , Deutsch: Thymian (Echter) , Español: Tomillo , Eesti: Aed-liivatee , Basque: Ezkai , Suomi: Timjami, tarha-ajuruoho , Français: Thym commun , Italiano: Timo comune , Lietuviškai: Vaistinis čiobrelis , Latviešu: Timiāns , Nederlands: Echte tijm , Polski: Macierzanka tymianek , Português: Tomilho , Română: Cimbru de câmp , Svenska: Kryddtimjan

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Short Description

This aromatic plant originates from the Mediterranean region. Thyme contains tannin and bitter substances in an essential oil, along with many other ingredients. Thyme can be used to soothe cramps, coughs, chronic bronchitis, and gastrointestinal disorders. As a home remedy, ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Thyme (Common)


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