
Scientific name : Tanacetum vulgare
Other names: Česky: Vratič obecný , Dansk: Rejnfan , Deutsch: Rainfarn , Español: Tanaceto , Eesti: Harilik soolikarohi , Suomi: Pietaryrtti , Français: Tanaisie commune , Magyar: Gilisztaűző varádics , Italiano: Tanaceto , 日本語: タンジー , Lietuviškai: Paprastoji bitkrėslė , Latviešu: Biškrēsliņi , Nederlands: Boerenwormkruid , Português: Catinga-de-mulata , Русский: Пижма обыкновенная, Полевая рябинка , Svenska: Renfana , Türkçe: Solucan otu

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Short Description

In homeopathy, tansy is used for menstrual and digestive disorders. Previously, the plant was also used as an anthelmintic medicine to expel intestinal parasitic worms. Because of the toxicity of the essential oil Tanacetin that is contained in the plant, ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer




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