Comfrey (Common)

Scientific name : Symphytum officinale
Other names: Български: Черен оман; Зарасличе , Deutsch: Beinwell (Echte) , Español: Es cierto Consuelda , Eesti: Harilik varemerohi , Suomi: Rohtoraunioyrtti , Français: Consoude officinale , Hrvatski: Gavez , Magyar: Fekete nadálytő , Italiano: Grande Consoude , 日本語: ヒレハリソウ , 한국어: 컴프리 , Lietuviškai: Vaistinė taukė , Latviešu: Ārstniecības tauksakne , Nederlands: Gewone smeerwortel , Polski: Żywokost lekarski , Português: True Confrei , Русский: Окопник лекарственный , Slovensky: Kostihoj lekársky]] , Slovenščina: Navadni gabez , Svenska: Äkta vallört , Türkçe: Karakafes otu

Short Description

Comfrey is very beneficial to bone growth, and can even help to mend broken bones. Since ancient times, comfrey roots have been used to heal bone fractures, skin inflammation, bruised bones, strains, bruises, and contusions. There are some alkaloids in ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Symphytum officinale
Photo: Raffi Kojian / License: CC-BY-SA-3.0


Comfrey (Common)
Comfrey (Common)
Comfrey (Common)
Comfrey (Common)
Comfrey (Common)
Comfrey (Common)
Comfrey (Common)
Comfrey (Common)


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