European Goldenrod

Scientific name : Solidago virgaurea
Other names: Català: Vara d'or , Česky: Zlatobýl obecný , Dansk: Almindelig Gyldenris , Deutsch: Goldrute (Gewöhnliche) , Español: Vara de oro , Eesti: Harilik kuldvits , Suomi: Kultapiisku , Français: Solidage ou verge d’or , Magyar: Közönséges aranyvessző , Italiano: Verga d'oro comune , 日本語: アキノキリンソウ , 한국어: 미역취 , Lietuviškai: Paprastoji rykštenė , Latviešu: Dzeltenā zeltgalvīte , Nederlands: Echte guldenroede, goudstaaf , Norsk: Gullris , Polski: Nawłoć pospolita , Português: Solidago , Русский: Золотарник обыкновенный , Svenska: Gullris , Türkçe: Yahudi otu

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Short Description

The contents of the dried plant affect urinary driving and support the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. An infusion (1-2 teaspoons of dried leaves or flower heads per one cup of water) and finished medicines should be ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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