White Mustard

Scientific name : Sinapis alba
Other names: Български: Бял синап , Deutsch: Weißer Senf , Español: Mostaza blanca , Eesti: Valge sinep , Suomi: Keltasinappi , Français: Moutarde blanche , Bahasa Indonesia: Sesawi putih , Italiano: Brassica alba , 日本語: シロガラシ , Lietuviškai: Baltoji garstyčia , Latviešu: Baltā sinepe , Nederlands: Witte mosterd, gele mosterd , Polski: Gorczyca biała , Português: Mostarda-branca , Română: Muştar alb , Русский: Горчица белая , Slovensky: Horčica biela , Svenska: Vitsenap , Türkçe: Beyaz hardal

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Short Description

The essential oil found in white mustard contains a very mild mustard oil glycoside called sinalbin. Medicinally, its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties are applied internally. In homeopathy, white mustard is also used for catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract and ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


White Mustard


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