Soapwort (Common)

Scientific name : Saponaria officinalis
Other names: Català: Herba sabonera , Česky: Mydlice lékařská , Dansk: Sæbeurt , Deutsch: Seifenkraut (Gewöhnliches) , Español: Jabonera , Eesti: Harilik seebilill , Suomi: Rohtosuopayrtti, suopayrtti , Français: Saponaire officinale , Magyar: Orvosi szappanfű , Italiano: Saponaria , Lietuviškai: Putoklis , Latviešu: Ārstniecības ziepjusakne , Nederlands: Zeepkruid, gewoon zeepkruid , Norsk: Såpeurt , Polski: Mydlnica Lekarska , Română: Săpunăriță , Русский: Мыльнянка лекарственная , Slovensky: Mydlica lekárska , Svenska: Såpnejlika , Türkçe: Sabun otu

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Short Description

The strong rhizome of the common soapwort contains active saponins that that actually produce a bit of foam when beat. The cleaning power of the herb, however, is limited. As a medicinal herb, soapwort is only used today in homeopathy ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Soapwort (Common)


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