Blackberry (Common)

Scientific name : Rubus fruticosus
Other names: Deutsch: Brombeeren , Español: Mora , Suomi: Karhunvatukka , Français: Ronce commune , Italiano: BlackBerry , Latviešu: Krokainā cūcene , Nederlands: Braam (cultuurbraam) , Polski: Jeżyna , Português: Amoras-silvestres , Русский: Ежевика , Svenska: Björnbär

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Short Description

Experts in Germany alone have found more than 60 small blackberry varieties. The tasty blackberries are stone fruit and are sort of like mini cherries. The blackberry juice is vitamin-rich and helps against colds, hoarseness, and throat complaints. An infusion ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Blackberry (Common)
Blackberry (Common)
Blackberry (Common)
Blackberry (Common)
Blackberry (Common)
Blackberry (Common)
Blackberry (Common)
Blackberry (Common)
Blackberry (Common)
Blackberry (Common)


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