
Scientific name : Raphanus sativus
Other names: Deutsch: Garten-Rettich , Español: Rábano , Eesti: Aedrõigas , Suomi: Ruokaretikka , Français: Radis , Italiano: Ravanello comune , 日本語: ダイコン (大根) , Lietuviškai: Valgomasis ridikas , Latviešu: Rutks (redīss) , Português: Rabanete , Русский: Редька посевная, или Редька огородная , Svenska: Rättika , Türkçe: Turp

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Short Description

Fresh radish roots promote the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach and assist in bile production. In addition, some antibacterial effects have been discovered. Fresh pressed juice from the root can be used medicinally to treat constipation. Sweetened with ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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