Selfheal (Common)

Scientific name : Prunella vulgaris
Other names: Deutsch: Kleine Braunelle , Español: Consuelda menor , Eesti: Harilik käbihein , Suomi: Niittyhumala, ahoniittyhumala , Français: Brunelle commune , Italiano: Brunella , Lietuviškai: Paprastoji juodgalvė , Latviešu: Parastā brūngalvīte , Nederlands: gewone brunel , Polski: Głowienka pospolita , Português: Prunella vulgaris , Русский: Черноголовка обыкновенная , Slovensky: Čiernohlávok obyčajný , Svenska: Brunört , Türkçe: Yara otu

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Short Description

Self-heal contains bitter tannins that are useful in treating diseases in the digestive organs. Externally, an infusion can be brewed for wound healing, gargling for mouth diseases, and rinsing with for eye infections (1-2 teaspoons crushed plant per one cup ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

Prunella vulgaris
Photo: Travels with a Camera and a dog / License: CC BY 2.0

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Selfheal (Common)
Selfheal (Common)
Selfheal (Common)
Selfheal (Common)


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