Tormentil (Common)

Scientific name : Potentilla erecta
Other names: Български: Бутурак , Česky: Mochna nátržník , Dansk: Tormentil , Deutsch: Blutwurz , Español: Tormentila , Eesti: Tedremaran , Suomi: Rätvänä , Français: Tormentille , Italiano: Cinquefoglia tormetilla , Lietuviškai: Miškinė sidabražolė , Latviešu: Stāvais retējs , Nederlands: Tormentil, meerwortel , Norsk: Tepperot , Polski: Pięciornik kurze ziele , Русский: Лапчатка прямостоячая , Svenska: Blodrot

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Short Description

In the make-up of tormentil, the basal leaves are trifoliate, the flowers are mostly fourfold, and the stem leaves are pinnate palmate pentamerous. The rhizome contains tannins of the catechin type, meaning that tormentil can be used against strep throat ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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