Opium Poppy

Scientific name : Papaver somniferum
Other names: Dansk: Opium-Valmue , Deutsch: Schlafmohn , Español: Adormidera , Eesti: Unimagun , Suomi: Oopiumiunikko , Français: Pavot somnifère , Italiano: Papavero da oppio , 日本語: ケシ , Lietuviškai: Daržinė aguona , Latviešu: Miega magone , Polski: Mak lekarski , Português: Papoila-dormideira , Русский: Мак снотворный , Svenska: Opievallmo , Türkçe: Haşhaş

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Short Description

The infamous opium is the dried juice of unripe seed capsules coming from the opium poppy. The juice contains many highly effective alkaloids, including both morphine and codeine. Morphine is an indispensable remedy for severe pain, and is sometimes converted ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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