Wood Sorrel (Common)

Scientific name : Oxalis acetosella
Other names: Česky: Šťavel kyselý , Dansk: Skovsyre , Deutsch: Waldsauerklee , Español: Aleluya , Eesti: Harilik jänesekapsas , Suomi: Käenkaali , Français: Oseille des bois , Magyar: Erdei madársóska , Íslenska: Súrsmæra , Italiano: Acetosella dei boschi , 日本語: コミヤマカタバミ , Lietuviškai: Paprastasis kiškiakopūstis , Latviešu: Meža zaķskābene , Nederlands: Witte klaverzuring , Norsk (nynorsk): Gaukesyre , Norsk: Gjøkesyre , Polski: Szczawik zajęczy , Português: Oxalis , Русский: Кислица обыкновенная , Slovensky: Kyslička obyčajná , Svenska: Harsyra , Türkçe: Orman ekşi yoncası

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Short Description

All parts of wood-sorrel contain oxalic acid, which derives its name from the scientific genus of the plant. This acid is responsible for the sour taste of the leaves. Because of the risk of kidney stone or gallstone formations, wood-sorrel ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Wood Sorrel (Common)
Wood Sorrel (Common)


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