
Scientific name : Origanum vulgare
Other names: Dansk: Almindelig Merian , Deutsch: Oregano , Español: Orégano , Eesti: Harilik pune , Suomi: Mäkimeirami , Français: Origan , Italiano: Origano , Lietuviškai: Paprastasis raudonėlis , Latviešu: Parastā raudene , Nederlands: Wilde marjolein , Polski: Lebiodka pospolita , Português: Orégano , Русский: Душица обыкновенная , Svenska: Kungsmynta , Türkçe: Keklik otu, Güvey otu

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Short Description

Oregano is widespread on the dry soils in open fields, and is most closely related to marjoram. The essential oil found in oregano is made up of many components, including both bitters and tannins. Although oregano and its essential oil ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer




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