
Scientific name : Menyanthes trifoliata
Other names: Azərbaycanca: Üçyarpaq suyoncası , Български: Горчивче , Català: Trèvol d'aigua , Česky: Vachta trojlistá , Dansk: Almindelig Bukkeblad , Deutsch: Fieberklee , Eesti: Ubaleht , Suomi: Raate , Français: Trèfle d’eau , Magyar: Vidrafű , Íslenska: Horblaðka , 日本語: ミツガシワ , 한국어: 조름나물 , Lietuviškai: Trilapis puplaiškis , Latviešu: Trejlapu puplaksis , Nederlands: Waterdrieblad , Norsk (nynorsk): Bukkeblad , Norsk: Bukkeblad , Polski: Bobrek trójlistkowy , Português: Menyanthes , Русский: Вахта , Slovenščina: Navadni mrzličnik , Svenska: Vattenklöver , Türkçe: Su yoncası

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Short Description

Although Menyanthes was once used as a fever remedy long ago, it contains no antipyretic drugs. Menyanthes is a typical bitter drug that is used to stimulate the appetite and strengthen the stomach. In nature, Menyanthes has become rare due ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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