Ash (European)

Scientific name : Fraxinus excelsior
Other names: Deutsch: Esche (Gemeine) , Esperanto: Ordinara frakseno , Español: Fresno norteño , Eesti: Harilik saar , Suomi: Lehtosaarni, saarni , Français: Frêne élevé , Italiano: Frassino maggiore, Frassino comune , Lietuviškai: Paprastasis uosis , Latviešu: Parastais osis , Português: Freixo , Русский: Ясень обыкновенный , Slovensky: Jaseň štíhly , Svenska: Ask , Türkçe: Adi dişbudak

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Short Description

Ash leaves have been used in folk medicine for rheumatism and kidney stones. An infusion is recommended (2-3 teaspoons of crushed leaves per one cup of water, let stand for 5 minutes). The leaves are used similarly in homeopathy and ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Ash (European)
Ash (European)
Ash (European)
Ash (European)
Ash (European)
Ash (European)
Ash (European)
Ash (European)
Ash (European)
Ash (European)
Ash (European)


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