Purple Coneflower (Eastern)

Scientific name : Echinacea purpurea
Other names: Dansk: Have-Purpusolhat , Deutsch: Purpur-Sonnenhut , Español: Equinacea , Suomi: Kaunopunahattu, punahattu, auringonhattu , Français: Échinacée pourpre , 日本語: ムラサキバレンギク , Svenska: Röd rudbeckia , Türkçe: Ekinezya - Koni Çiçeği

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Short Description

Eastern purple cornflower can be seen in summer gardens and occasionally in open fields. In recent years the plant has had much success as a medicinal plant after its immune-stimulating effects were discovered. As a drug, the purple cornflower is ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


evan Sarrazin
Purple Coneflower (Eastern)
Purple Coneflower (Eastern)
Purple Coneflower (Eastern)


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