Kidneyvetch (Common)

Scientific name : Anthyllis vulneraria
Other names: Dansk: Gul Rundbælg , Deutsch: Wundklee (Echter) , Eesti: Harilik koldrohi , Suomi: Masmalo, euroopanmasmalo , Français: Anthyllide vulnéraire , Magyar: Nyúlszapuka , Lietuviškai: Paprastasis perluotis , Latviešu: Brūču pērkonamoliņš , Nederlands: Wondklaver , Norsk: Rundbelg , Polski: Przelot pospolity , Русский: Язвенник обыкновенный , Slovensky: Bôľhoj lekársky , Svenska: Getväppling , Türkçe: Çobangülü

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Short Description

Kidneyvetch contains saponins, tannins, and flavonoids. The herb was formerly held in high esteem, but is now only used in folk medicine. Kidneyvetch can be used to strengthen the stomach, or as a mild laxative due to the slightly diuretic ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Kidneyvetch (Common)


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