
Scientific name : Allium cepa
Other names: Català: ceba , Česky: Cibule kuchyňská , Dansk: løg , Deutsch: Zwiebel , Español: Cebolla , Eesti: Sibul, Harilik sibul, Söögisibul , Suomi: Sipuli, ruokasipuli , Français: Oignon , Hrvatski: Luk , Magyar: Vöröshagyma , Bahasa Indonesia: Bawang , Italiano: Cipolla , 日本語: タマネギ , Nederlands: Ui , Polski: Cebula zwyczajna , Português: Cebola , Română: Ceapă , Русский: Лук , Svenska: Lök, matlök , Türkçe: Soğan

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Short Description

The Bulb Onion contains essential oils such as Methylaniline (like garlic) and the pungent Propanthialoxid, which is what causes tears to form when slicing an onion. As a remedy for coughs and colds, onion tea is recommended (50g peeled and ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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