
Scientific name : Aegopodium podagraria
Other names: Dansk: Skvalderkål , Deutsch: Giersch , Español: Aegopodium , Eesti: Harilik naat , Suomi: Vuohenputki , Français: Égopode podagraire , Italiano: Horny Goat Weed , Lietuviškai: Paprastoji garšva , Latviešu: Podagras gārsa , Nederlands: Zevenblad , Norsk: Skvallerkål, Hanefot , Polski: Podagrycznik pospolity , Português: Horny Goat Weed , Русский: Сныть обыкновенная , Svenska: Kirskål , Türkçe: Keçiayağı

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Short Description

Starting in the Middle Ages, Goutweed was mostly used to treat gout occurring in the toes. Nowadays, the plant is used in various homeopathic preparations (as an extract or as a bath additive) in order to relieve rheumatic complaints. Before ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer




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