Sweet Flag (Common)

Scientific name : Acorus calamus
Other names: Български: Блатен аир , Català: Càlam , Česky: Puškvorec obecný , Dansk: Kalmus , Deutsch: Kalmus , Español: Cálamo aromatico , Eesti: Harilik kalmus , Suomi: Rohtokalmojuuri <a rel="nofollow" class="external autonumber" href="http://onki.fi/fi/browser/search , Français: Acore odorant , Magyar: Orvosi kálmos , Italiano: Calamo aromatico , 日本語: ショウブ , 한국어: 창포 , Lietuviškai: Balinis ajeras , Latviešu: Smaržīgā kalme , Nederlands: Kalmoes , Norsk: Kalmusrot , Polski: Tatarak zwyczajny , Português: Açoro , Română: Obligeană , Русский: Аир обыкновенный , Slovensky: Puškvorec obyčajný , Svenska: Kalmus , Türkçe: Azakeğeri

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Short Description

Calamus contains an essential oil with various volatile, aromatic, and bitter ingredients. With its aromatic, bitter ingredients, it is suitable to assist with digestive problems or for appetite stimulation. A Calamus brew (2 teaspoons crushed rhizome per cup of water, ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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