Silver Fir (European)

Scientific name : Abies alba
Other names: Azərbaycanca: Avropa ağ şamı , Català: Avet blanc , Česky: Jedle bělokorá , Dansk: Almindelig Ædelgran , Deutsch: Weiß-Tanne , Esperanto: Blanka abio , Español: Abeto común , Eesti: Euroopa nulg , Suomi: Saksanpihta , Français: Sapin blanc , Hrvatski: Bijela jela , Magyar: Közönséges Jegenyefenyő , Italiano: Abete bianco , Lietuviškai: Europinis kėnis , Nederlands: Gewone Zilverspar , Norsk: Vanlig Edelgran , Polski: Jodła pospolita , Português: Abeto-prateado, Abeto-branco , Română: Brad argintiu , Русский: Пихта белая , Slovensky: Jedľa biela , Slovenščina: Bela jelka , Svenska: Silvergran , Türkçe: Orta Avrupa göknarı

Short Description

The aromatic, fragrant oil found in the fresh needles of European Silver Firs is an essential ingredient in many monoterpenes, bornyl acetate, pinene, limonene, camphene, and phellendrene. After being professionally distilled, the oil is used in many medicinal products and ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer

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Abies alba
Photo: Meneerke bloem / License: CC-BY-SA-3.0, GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0


Silver Fir (European)
Silver Fir (European)


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