Ortolan Bunting

Scientific name : Emberiza hortulana
Other names: Български: Градинска овесарка , Brezhoneg: Brean ortolan , Català: Hortolà (ocell) , Česky: Strnad zahradní , Dansk: Hortulan , Deutsch: Ortolan , Esperanto: Hortulano , Español: Escribano hortelano , Eesti: Põldtsiitsitaja , Basque: Berdantza miarritz , Suomi: Peltosirkku , Français: Bruant ortolan , Magyar: Kerti sármány , 日本語: ズアオホオジロ , Lietuviškai: Sodinė starta , Latviešu: Dārza stērste , Nederlands: Ortolaan , Norsk (nynorsk): Hortulan , Norsk: Hortulan , Polski: Ortolan , Português: Sombria , Русский: Садовая овсянка , Svenska: Ortolansparv , Türkçe: Bayağı kiraz kuşu

Short Description

Male birds have a grey-green head, a yellow throat and a yellow eye-ring. The underside is cinnamon-colored. Female birds can be distinguished from males by their dull head coloring.

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Emberiza hortulana
Photo: Frank Hecker


Ortolan Bunting
Ortolan Bunting
Ortolan Bunting
Ortolan Bunting
Ortolan Bunting
Ortolan Bunting
Ortolan Bunting


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