Blue Rock-thrush

Scientific name : Monticola solitarius
Other names: Български: Син скален дрозд , Brezhoneg: Savelleg glas , Català: Merla blava , Česky: Skalník modrý , Dansk: Blådrossel , Deutsch: Blaumerle , Esperanto: Blua rokturdo , Español: Roquero solitario , Basque: Harkaitz-zozo urdin , Suomi: Sinirastas , Français: Monticole merle-bleu , Magyar: Kék kövirigó , Italiano: Passero solitario , 日本語: イソヒヨドリ , Latviešu: Zilais akmensstrazds , Nederlands: Blauwe rotslijster , Polski: Modrak (ptak) , Português: Melro-azul , Русский: Синий каменный дрозд , Svenska: Blåtrast , Türkçe: Gök ardıç kuşu

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Short Description

The males of the blue rock have a blue plumage and black wings as well as a blackish tail. Females have a brown top and banded underpants.


Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush
Blue Rock-thrush


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