Cultivated Mushroom

Scientific name : Agaricus bisporus
Other names: Deutsch: Zucht-Champignon , Español: Champiñón común , Suomi: Herkkusieni , Français: Champignon de couche , Latviešu: divsporu atmatene , Nederlands: Gekweekte champignon , Polski: Pieczarka dwuzarodnikowa , Русский: Шампиньон двуспоровый , Slovensky: Pečiarka dvojvýtrusná

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Short Description

Cap 4-10cm wide; white, grayish-white or brownish; bald, fibrous to pushed, scaly skin. Gills Beautiful pink when young, then chocolate brown; free. Stipe White; indistinct rising or protruding ring. Flesh White, reddened when cut; neutral smell and taste, pleasant. Spore ...
Author: Dr. Ewald Gerhardt


Cultivated Mushroom
Cultivated Mushroom
Cultivated Mushroom
Cultivated Mushroom
Cultivated Mushroom
Cultivated Mushroom
Cultivated Mushroom


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