Grey-veil Amanita

Scientific name : Amanita porphyria
Other names: Deutsch: Porphyrbrauner Wulstling , Español: Amanita purpúrea , Suomi: Kangaskärpässieni , Français: Amanite porphyre , Lietuviškai: Rausvarudė musmirė , Latviešu: violetbrūnā mušmire , Nederlands: Porfieramaniet , Polski: Muchomor porfirowy , Русский: Мухомор серый , Slovensky: Muchotrávka porfýrovosivá

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Short Description

Cap 4-8cm wide; purplish brown; with flat, gray universal veil remains. Gills Whitish; free. Stipe Similar to the cap in color but sometimes paler or darker; hanging ring, bulbous base, sharp margind; occasionally with membranous, slightly sloping universal veil remains. ...
Author: Dr. Ewald Gerhardt


Grey-veil Amanita
Grey-veil Amanita
Grey-veil Amanita
Grey-veil Amanita
Grey-veil Amanita
Grey-veil Amanita
Grey-veil Amanita
Grey-veil Amanita


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