Red-juice Tooth

Scientific name : Hydnellum peckii
Other names: Deutsch: Scharfer Korkstacheling , Suomi: Karvasorakas , Français: Hydnelle de Peck , Latviešu: Peka brūnzobe , Nederlands: Bloeddruppelstekelzwam , Polski: Kolczakówka piekąca , Русский: Гиднеллум Пека , Slovensky: Jelenkovka pálčivá

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Short Description

Cap 3-6cm wide; young white, with blood red droplets, soon increasingly red-brown; gyroscopic, surface radially jagged or cavity-bumpy, matt. Teeth When young white, then brown; broad decurrent. Stipe Brownish; very short, with velvety surface. Flesh Brown; zoned when cut lengthwise; ...
Author: Dr. Ewald Gerhardt


Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth
Red-juice Tooth


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