Catalan Sheepdog

Breed name : Catalan Sheepdog
Other names: Български: Каталонско овчарско куче , Català: Gos d'atura català , Česky: Katalánský ovčák , Cymraeg: Ci Defaid Catalanaidd , Dansk: Gos d'atura catala , Deutsch: Gos d’Atura Català , Español: Pastor catalán , Suomi: Katalonianpaimenkoira , Français: Gos d'Atura Català , Magyar: Katalán pásztorkutya , Italiano: Cane da pastore catalano , 日本語: カタロニアン・シープドッグ , Latviešu: Katalonijas aitusuns , Nederlands: Catalaanse herder , Norsk: Katalansk gjeterhund , Polski: Owczarek kataloński , Português: Pastor catalão , Русский: Каталонская овчарка , Svenska: Gos d'atura catalá

Short Description

Catalan Sheepdogs (Gos d’Atura Català) were originally developed for herding in the Pyrenean Mountains of Spain. Their coats are long and either flat or slightly wavy. Colors range from fawn to dark sable, and light to dark grey. There is ...

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Catalan Sheepdog
Photo: Rolf Baumli / License: Rolf Baumli


Axel Benkert
Catalan Sheepdog
Axel Benkert
Catalan Sheepdog
Catalan Sheepdog


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