Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Breed name : Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Other names: Català: Pastor polonès de les planes , Dansk: PON , Deutsch: Polski Owczarek Nizinny , Español: Pastor de Valée , Suomi: Polski owczarek nizinny , Français: Berger polonais de plaine , Magyar: Lengyel alföldi juhászkutya , Italiano: Cane da pastore polacco di Vallée , 日本語: ポリッシュ・ローランド・シープドッグ , Latviešu: Polijas zemienes aitusuns , Nederlands: Polski owczarek nizinny , Norsk: Polsk owczarek nizinny , Polski: Polski owczarek nizinny , Português: Pastor polonês da planície , Русский: Польская низинная овчарка , Slovenščina: Poljski nižinski ovčar , Svenska: Polski owczarek nizinny

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Short Description

Polish Lowland Sheepdogs are medium-sized, muscular, and thick-coated dogs, that originated in Poland in the 15th century. The double coats can be of any color or pattern; white, gray, and brown are most common, with black, gray, or brown markings. ...


Polish Lowland Sheepdog


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