Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Breed name : Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Other names: Català: Gran bover suís , Česky: Velký švýcarský salašnický pes , Cymraeg: Ci Mynydd Mawr y Swistir , Dansk: Grosser schweizer Sennenhund , Deutsch: Großer Schweizer Sennenhund , Español: Gran boyero suizo , Suomi: Isosveitsinpaimenkoira , Français: Grand bouvier suisse , Magyar: Nagy svájci havasi kutya , Italiano: Grande bovaro svizzero , 日本語: グレーター・スイス・マウンテン・ドッグ , Latviešu: lielais Šveices ganusuns , Nederlands: Grote Zwitserse sennenhond , Norsk: Grosser schweizer Sennenhund , Polski: Duży szwajcarski pies pasterski , Português: Grande boiadeiro suíço , Русский: Большой швейцарский зенненхунд , Slovenščina: Veliki švicarski planšarski pes , Svenska: Grosser schweizer sennenhund

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Short Description

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is the largest of the traditional Swiss Sennenhunds. The name Sennenhund refers to Alpine pasture dogs native to the Swiss Alps. These are large, muscular dogs with tricolor coats. Greater Swiss Mountain dogs have been ...


Hans-Peter Gerlach
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog


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