White Elm (European)

Scientific name : Ulmus laevis
Other names: Česky: Jilm vaz , Dansk: Skærm-Elm , Deutsch: Flatter-Ulme , Esperanto: Longtiga ulmo , Español: Olmo blanco Europeo , Eesti: Künnapuu , Suomi: Kynäjalava , Français: Européenne l'orme d'Amérique , Italiano: Olmo bianco, Olmo ciliato , Lietuviškai: Paprastoji vinkšna , Latviešu: Parastā vīksna , Nederlands: Fladderiep , Polski: Wiąz szypułkowy , Português: Elm branco Europeu , Русский: Вяз гладкий , Slovensky: Brest väzový , Svenska: Vresalm , Türkçe: Hercai karaağaç

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Short Description

Deciduous, up to 30 m high tree with high, lose, irregular crown and long straight stem, bark initially red-brown, at a later age increasingly grey-brown and peridermal with deep longitudinal fissures and fields; Alternate leaves, very short stalked, 7-12 cm ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


White Elm (European)


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