Redcedar (Western)

Scientific name : Thuja plicata
Other names: Dansk: Kæmpe-Thuja , Deutsch: Lebensbaum (Riesen-) , Español: Tuya gigante , Suomi: Jättituija , Français: Thuya géant de Californie , Hrvatski: Tuja azijska golema , Italiano: Gigantesco albero della Vita , 日本語: ベイスギ , Nederlands: Reuzenlevensboom , Polski: Żywotnik olbrzymi , Slovensky: Tuja riasnatá , Türkçe: Boylu mazı

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Short Description

Wintergreen, up to 50 m high tree with initially slim, cone-shaped crown, which grows increasingly irregular at a later age and can become really thick at the base; Stem more than 2 m wide with old specimens; Bark reddish-brown to ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Redcedar (Western)
Redcedar (Western)


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