Cork Oak

Scientific name : Quercus suber
Other names: Asturianu: Sufreiru , Català: Alzina surera , Česky: Dub korkový , Dansk: Kork-eg , Deutsch: Eiche (Kork-) , Esperanto: Korkokverko , Español: Alcornoque Mediterráneo , Suomi: Korkkitammi , Français: Chêne-liège , Hindi: कार्क , Magyar: Paratölgy , Italiano: Sughera , Lietuviškai: Kamštinis ąžuolas , Latviešu: Korķa ozols , Nederlands: Kurkeik , Polski: Dąb korkowy , Português: Sobreiro , Română: Stejar de plută , Русский: Дуб пробковый , Slovensky: Dub korkový , Svenska: Korkek

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Short Description

Wintergreen, up to 15 m high tree with open, irregular crown on usually crooked stem; Leaves stalked, 4-7 cm long and up to 3 cm wide, elliptical to oval in contour, rounded at the base, pointed top, entire edge, slightly ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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