White Ash

Scientific name : Fraxinus americana
Other names: Deutsch: Weiß-Esche, Amerikanische Esche , Español: Fresno blanco Americano , Suomi: Valkosaarni , Français: Frêne blanc , Italiano: Frassino Bianco , Português: Cinza branca , Slovensky: Jaseň americký , Türkçe: Amerika dişbudağı

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Short Description

Deciduous, up to 40 m high, stately tree with high to wide oval crown; Shoots always glabrous, olive green; Striking terminal buds brown, blunt; Leaves up to 35 cm long, unpaired pinnate, with 5-9 small pinnae, each of them 15 ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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