Tree of Heaven

Scientific name : Ailanthus altissima
Other names: Azərbaycanca: Uca aylant , Български: Айлант , Català: Ailant , Česky: Pajasan žláznatý , Dansk: Skyrækker , Deutsch: Götterbaum , Español: Ailanto , Suomi: Haisujumaltenpuu, jumaltenpuu , Français: Ailante glanduleux , Italiano: Albero del Paradiso, Ailanto , 日本語: ニワウルシ , 한국어: 가죽나무 , Lietuviškai: Aukštasis ailantas , Nederlands: Hemelboom , Polski: Bożodrzew gruczołkowaty , Português: Árvore-do-céu, Ailanto, Espanta-lobos , Русский: Айлант высочайший , Slovensky: Pajaseň žliazkatý (cudzí) , Svenska: Gudaträd , Türkçe: Kokarağaç, Cennet ağacı, Osuruk ağacı

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Short Description

Deciduous, up to 25 m high tree with lose, irregular wide crown; Leaves alternate 40-70 cm long, with reddish main rib (rachis), unpaired pinnate, 11 - 19 pinna, each 5 - 15 cm long and up to 5 cm wide, ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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