Oregon Maple

Scientific name : Acer macrophyllum
Other names: Deutsch: Oregon-Ahorn , Español: Arce de Oregón , Suomi: Oregoninvaahtera , Français: Érable à grandes feuilles , Magyar: Oregoni juhar , Italiano: Oregon Maple , Polski: Klon wielkolistny , Português: Oregon Maple , Русский: Клён крупнолистный

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Short Description

Deciduous, up to 30 m high tree with wide arched crown, shoots strikingly thick, glabrous, dark green; Leaves 5-lobed parted, strikingly large: 20 - 30 cm wide and almost just as long; Emarginations between the lobes rounded; Cuspids widely pointed, ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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