Herb Barbara

Scientific name : Barbarea vulgaris
Other names: Dansk: Almindelig Vinterkarse , Deutsch: Echtes Barbarakraut , Español: Berro de invierno , Suomi: Peltokanankaali , Français: Barbarée commune , Italiano: Erba di S. Barbara comune , Nederlands: Gewoon barbarakruid , Polski: Gorczycznik pospolity , Português: Agrião Inverno , Русский: Сурепка обыкновенная , Svenska: Sommargyllen , Türkçe: Nicar otu

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Short Description

Biennial, mostly wintergreen, up to 90cm tall high with upright, branched, corrugated stems, basal leaves in a rosette, alternate leaves on stems, bare, lower petiolated, sinuous lyrate, with 5-9 pairs of leaflets and large terminal lobe, sessile on top and ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Herb Barbara


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