Gooseberry (Common)

Scientific name : Ribes uva-crispa
Other names: Česky: Srstka angrešt; Srstka obecná; Meruzalka srstka , Dansk: Stikkelsbær-busk , Deutsch: Stachelbeere (Gewöhnliche) , Español: Grosella espinosa Europea , Eesti: Karusmari , Suomi: Karviainen , Français: Groseillier à maquereau , Hrvatski: Ogrozd , Italiano: Uva spina , Nederlands: Kruisbes , Norsk: Stikkelsbær , Polski: Porzeczka agrest , Português: Groselheira , Русский: Крыжовник обыкновенный , Svenska: Krusbär , Türkçe: Bektaşiüzümü

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Short Description

Deciduous, upright, branched wild shrub with thorny branches, 0.5–1.5m; thorns with 1 to 3 parts, very sharp, up to 1cm long; hairy shoots; alternate leaves, mostly in the axilla of long thorn, often in small bunches, rounded shape, heart-shaped at ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Gooseberry (Common)


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