Angular Solomon's-seal

Scientific name : Polygonatum odoratum
Other names: Deutsch: Wohlriechende Weißwurz , Español: Salomón True Sello , Eesti: Harilik kuutõverohi , Suomi: Kalliokielo , Français: Sceau de Salomon odorant , Magyar: Soktérdű salamonpecsét , Italiano: Salomone True Seal , 日本語: アマドコロ(甘野老) , Lietuviškai: Vaistinė baltašaknė , Latviešu: Ārstniecības mugurene , Nederlands: Welriekende salomonszegel , Polski: Kokoryczka wonna , Português: Selo de Salomão True , Русский: Купена аптечная , Svenska: Getrams , Türkçe: Kokulu mührüsüleyman

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Short Description

Perennial, 30-50cm high, upright stem, edged, broad-lanceolate leaves, white flowers, tight tubular, up to 2cm long, single (rarely 2) in the leaf axils, pea-sized berries, black, mostly bluishly pruned. Blooms from May – June, ripe fruit from July onwards.
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Angular Solomon's-seal


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