Warty Spindle Tree

Scientific name : Euonymus verrucosa
Other names: Deutsch: Warzen-Spindelbaum , Español: Las verrugas eje Arbusto , Eesti: Naastune kikkapuu , Français: Fusain verruqueux , Italiano: Verruche Arbusto mandrino , Lietuviškai: Karpotasis ožekšnis , Latviešu: Kārpainais segliņš , Polski: Trzmielina brodawkowata , Português: Verrugas arbusto do eixo , Русский: Бересклет бородавчатый

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Short Description

Deciduous shrub with protruding branches, up to 2m; shoots with large, dark brown lenticels, ovate-lanceolate leaves, acuminated, greenish flowers, 4 petals, 6-10mm wide, dark reddish spots, 2-3 flowers in long-stalked bunches, yellowish red capsule, black seeds, not completely enclosed by ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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