Hazel (Common)

Scientific name : Corylus avellana
Other names: Azərbaycanca: Adi fındıq , Български: Обикновена леска , Bosanski: Lijeska , Català: Avellaner , Česky: Líska obecná , Dansk: Almindelig Hassel , Deutsch: Hasel (Gewöhnliche) , Español: Avellano común , Eesti: Harilik sarapuu , Suomi: Euroopanpähkinäpensas , Français: Noisetier , Magyar: Közönséges vagy európai mogyoró , Italiano: Nocciòlo , 日本語: セイヨウハシバミ , Lietuviškai: Paprastasis lazdynas , Latviešu: Parastā lazda , Nederlands: Hazelaar (plant) , Polski: Leszczyna pospolita , Português: Aveleira , Română: Alun , Русский: Лещина обыкновенная , Svenska: Hassel , Türkçe: Adi fındık

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Short Description

Large wide-growing shrub, 2-6m, fine-felted shoots with reddish brown glandular hairs, bark of older branches is glossy dark brown with lighter lenticels; alternate arrangement of leaves, short-stalked, 7-10cm long and up to 6cm wide, rounded to reverse oval, with slim ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Hazel (Common)
Hazel (Common)
Hazel (Common)
Hazel (Common)
Hazel (Common)


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