
Scientific name : Cocos nucifera
Other names: Català: Cocoter , Česky: Kokosovník ořechoplodý , Dansk: Kokos , Deutsch: Kokosnuss , Esperanto: Kokoso , Español: Coco , Suomi: Kookospalmu , Français: Noix de Coco , Hindi: नारियल , Hrvatski: Kokosova palma , Magyar: Kókuszpálma , Bahasa Indonesia: Kelapa , Italiano: Noce di Cocco , 日本語: ココナッツ , Lietuviškai: Riešutinė kokospalmė , Nederlands: Kokospalm , Norsk: Kokosnøtt , Polski: Palma kokosowa , Português: Coco de Bahia , Русский: Кокосовая пальма , Svenska: Kokosnöt , Türkçe: Hindistan cevizi , Tiếng Việt: Dừa

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Short Description

Wintergreen tree with unbranched stem, at the top with a dense tuft of 30-40 up to 6 m long pinnate leaves, up to 1 m long pinnas; Heavily branched panicles, at the base with 20-40 female, and above them up ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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